“Unlocking the Secrets to Crafting the Perfect Blog Post Title: Top 7 Tips for Standing Out and Ranking High on Google” 

 March 12, 2023

Unlocking the Secrets to Crafting the Perfect Blog Post Title: Top 7 Tips for Standing Out and Ranking High on Google


Writing a blog post is simple, but writing an attention-grabbing blog post that ranks high on search engines is a whole different ball game. With millions of blog posts being published daily, the competition is fierce, and you need every tool in your arsenal to stand out from the crowd. One of such tools is your blog post title. In this article, we will be discussing seven tips for crafting the perfect blog post title that will get you noticed and rank high on Google.

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1. Keep it Short and Sweet

Your blog post title should be short and concise while still getting your point across. An ideal blog post title should be no more than 60 characters long. A title that’s too long may be cut off in search engine results, making it harder for potential readers to get the gist of your post. Additionally, a short and precise title is more attention-grabbing, resulting in clicks and engagement.

2. Use Numbers

Adding numbers to your blog post title is an effective way of standing out, especially if you’re writing a listicle or tutorial. Numbers grab attention, create curiosity, and offer readers a clear idea of what to expect from the post. For example, “10 Ways to Boost Your Productivity” is more eye-catching than “Ways to Boost Your Productivity.”

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3. Research Keywords

Researching keywords relevant to your blog post is crucial. Using the right keywords and phrases in the title can significantly impact your search engine rankings. You can use free tools like Google Keyword Planner to find the best keywords to include in your title.

4. Be Descriptive

Being descriptive in your blog post title is essential, especially if you’re targeting a specific audience. Descriptive titles give potential readers an immediate idea of what to expect from the post. For example, “A Beginner’s Guide to Blogging for Entrepreneurs” is more descriptive than “How to Start a Blog.”

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5. Use Emotion

A blog post title that appeals to readers’ emotions is likely to be more successful. Emotions persuade and prompt readers to take action, like clicking on your blog post. Words like “heart-warming,” “surprising,” and “mind-blowing” are excellent examples of emotions you can use in your title.

6. Make it Unique

The key to creating a unique blog post title is to step outside the box. Avoid cliché or overused titles, instead, go for something original. A unique title will stand out in search engine results and differentiate your post from competitors.

7. Test and Optimize

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Testing and optimizing is essential when it comes to crafting the perfect blog post title. You can experiment with different title variations and monitor their performance using tools like Google Analytics. Always remember to optimize your titles for search engines by adding tags and meta descriptions.


1. What is a blog post title?

A blog post title is the headline used to describe your content. It’s the first thing readers see and one of the most crucial elements in determining whether they click through to read your post.

2. Why is my blog post title essential?

Your blog post title is crucial because it determines whether potential readers click on your post or keep scrolling. It’s also an important factor in search engine optimization, affecting your rankings on Google and other search engines.

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3. How do I come up with a good blog post title?

To come up with an excellent blog post title, you need to think about your audience, relevant keywords, emotions, and uniqueness. Researching your topic and experimenting with different titles is also crucial.

4. How do I optimize my blog post title for search engines?

To optimize your blog post title for search engines, ensure you use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and tags. Also, ensure your title is short, descriptive, and unique.

5. Can I change my blog post title after publishing?

Yes, you can change your blog post title after publishing. However, changing your title could negatively impact your search engine ranking and URL. If you must change your title, you can add a 301 redirect for the old URL to the new one.

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6. How often should I change my blog post title?

You should avoid changing your blog post title too often, as it can impact your search engine ranking and confuse readers. Only change your title if it’s necessary, or if you discover new relevant keywords.

7. Do I need to include the keyword in every blog post title?

No, you don’t need to include the keyword in every blog post title. However, using relevant keywords in your titles can improve your search engine ranking and attract potential readers.


Crafting the perfect blog post title can be the difference between a successful and unsuccessful blog post. Use the seven tips discussed in this article to come up with a winning blog post title that will grab attention and rank high on search engines. Remember to keep it short and sweet, use numbers, research keywords, be descriptive, use emotion, make it unique, test and optimize using tools like Google Analytics. Finally, don’t forget to add a call-to-action that engages readers and encourages them to interact with your content.

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